Friday, December 20, 2013

Today is the very first Dress Like an Elf Day! Get eflin' and get happy!

This is it, my friends!  The very first Dress Like an Elf Day! 

I hope to see many of you decked out in your elf gear, whether it's Santa's elves, blood elves, night elves, LOTR elves, or even that "Elf on a Shelf!  You can even be wearing something as simple as an elf t-shirt or an elf hat!  I just ask that you participate so that we can make DLAED a new "holiday"! 

And I will continue this in the coming years, so that each year, it will catch on more and more.  However, it won't be on a specific date on the calendar, but on the Friday before Christmas, which for 2013, happens to be today. 

But I hope some of you will join me in this first go-round, so that you can help promote it, and each year word will spread more and more.  So for those of you who participated this year - thank you! 

If you do dress like an elf, I ask that you send me a pic, so that on Christmas Day, I can post them here on my blog. 

Thank you, friends!  :-)

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