Friday, July 23, 2010

Now @ the San Diego Comicon: Girls who read comics!

YEAAAAH, BABBBYY!!!! Girrlz Rool! We are making our presence known at the San Diego Comicon, and in your local comic shops! There is no escaping us! Bwahahahaha! It's great to see that we are at last being recognized. Progress, my friends, progress!

One day, I hope to go to the Nerd Nirvana that is the San Diego Comicon. Sigh...


Anonymous said...

Why are you surprised at this? Girls DO read comics. You know that.

Busty Superhero Chick said...

Of course I know that. And yet, girls reading comics is still something that seems a bit odd to too many people, especially if those comic reading girls are adults. Yes, the number of people who think it's wierd for girls to read comics is shrinking, but not fast enough, in my opinion. It should be not be unexpected at all to see a busy businesswoman whip out a comic at lunchtime along with the Wall Street Journal or Investment Business Daily. We should be able to debate Batman vs Superman along with what effects President Obama's tax policies will have on our long term investments.